Change Starts...
When We are Fearless
What’s stopping you from fulfilling your purpose? What’s keeping you from pursuing your dreams? What’s hindering you from reaching your full-potential?
As I have observed others, as well as myself, I have heard the statements people have made as to why they can’t or don’t want to do something. Usually people don’t say bluntly, “I’m scared.” Instead, they say things like, “I can’t”, “I’m not good enough,” “I don’t have time,” or “I just don’t want to.” However, not too many people realize that behind their statement is a bigger truth. It’s the truth that we are all afraid of something:
Afraid of failing
Afraid of looking stupid
Afraid of being rejected
Afraid of disappointing others
Afraid of making a mistake
Afraid of people’s opinions
Afraid of the unknown
Afraid of being weak or perceived as such
Afraid of being attacked
Whatever it is, fear is ultimately the thing that stops us from pursuing the things we really want in life. Whether it is asking that girl out, attempting to go to college, getting married, making a risky business deal, trying out for the football team, or even just getting started.
I wouldn't consider myself the biggest risk taker, but I never want the question of “What if?” to haunt me for the rest of my life. I can at least feel proud for knowing I tried and failed, compared to having not tried at all.
It’s time that we start gaining power over our fears. In 2 Timothy 1:7, it says, “For God has not given us the spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline” (NLT). I try to remind myself that if fear is the only thing holding me back, then this is not a good enough excuse. Fear is a tactic the enemy uses to stop us from doing what God really wants us to do.
My older sister would always tell me, “If you’re afraid of doing something, do that very thing, because you don’t want to let a good opportunity pass you by.” She always reminded me that if fear was the only reason for not doing something, I needed to push pass it and do it anyways. I always kept this in my mind anytime I wanted to try something new.
So, “What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?” – Robert Schuller
Now go and do that very thing.
Know that we all have something we don’t like about ourselves. We can make many excuses for why we can't, and let go of all the reasons why we should. No matter your flaws or mistakes, there is still something about you that you have to offer this world. We need to be confident and drift away from fear by learning how to work with our weaknesses and strive in our strengths.
Sometimes we are the only people stopping us from getting to that place we were meant to be.
Courage isn’t the absence of fear, but being scared and doing it anyways - Bishop Bronner.
If we feared everything in life, we wouldn’t get anything done. Don’t let fear stop you from reaching your goals. Fear is just an illusion, as we like to think of all the worst possible scenarios that may happen, when in actuality most of them never will.
5 reminders to help you resist fear:
It’s okay to fail – it’s not okay to never try
Don’t think you have to be “perfect” to do something – just get started, because you can only get better as you continue to work harder
Don’t think you need to have all the answers - there is excitement in the mystery of the unknown
Mistakes are unavoidable - as long as you learn from them you’re still on the right track
Rejection isn’t the end - but a sign that there’s something else in store for you
When you realize you are starting to fear, remain positive and remind yourself of all the things that could go right compared to what may go wrong. The only thing you lose when you do push pass the fear is your own personal comfort, and we can never grow if we are never stretched beyond our comfort zone.
It's easy to remain in the safe zone. In the safe zone we resist what we're most afraid of and there's no pain, no loss, no growth, no change, no risk. However, we don't realize that when we choose to stay stagnant, we are actually choosing to let go a future of possibilities.
My question for you today, “What’s really holding you back?”
My prayer is that you will be STRONG, COURAGEOUS, and not allow fear to hold you back any longer.
“Be strong & courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the LORD your God is the one who goes with you; he will not fail you or forsake you” (Deuteronomy 31:6, NASB).